WordPress for Enterprise: Why Your Business Should Use WordPress

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WordPress has become the talk of the town for the past 5-7 years. Initially, it established its name as a blogging platform. However, now, it can no longer be considered a tool for creating blogging websites solely. WordPress is much more than that. It can be, and it is used as a medium to create all sorts of sites ranging from personal blogs containing a few pages to websites of Fortune 500 companies which has high traffic and thousands of pages.

In fact, it is an ideal choice for any enterprise that wants to build a website which is easy to use and manage for the long run. WordPress’s user-friendly features have helped it in establishing itself as a distinguished CMS in the web industry. Therefore, we have listed below the characteristics of WordPress that make it an ideal choice for enterprise business. Going through these characteristics will surely help you in deciding whether you should use WordPress for Enterprise or not.

Table of Contents

Wordpress enterprise

WordPress is Affordable

What is better than a CMS that allows you to instantly create a website without paying a penny?

I guess nothing! Especially in an era in which businesses are always looking for ways to cut-out on costs.

However, you may start out without paying a penny, at some point in time, you would have to invest some money on your WordPress website. As the traffic inflow on your website increases, you need to use features that are paid and not free. Nevertheless, every penny spent on WordPress is worth investing in. You won’t be disappointed at all!

If you opt for a platform other than WordPress to develop your website, you will be totally shaken after getting to know how expensive it is to get a website designed. WordPress is the most suitable option in this regard. The code is itself free as it is open-source CMS which is maintained and updated by developers and volunteers around the world. Several free and premium themes are available for WordPress, which you can also use to get your website done in-house if you have technical capabilities.

In case you do not want to go on that journey, you hire a local WP expert in Sydney to get it done. As it’s the most popular platform in the world, it’s so easy to find a WordPress developer the next door.

Additionally, using WordPress also guarantees professional support from the pool of WP experts worldwide and on different discussion forums, articles, Youtube and so on. Hence, you can have a peace of mind any time.

WordPress for business

WordPress is Reliable

Businesses often doubt the reliability of WordPress because it is not owned by a single entity but is instead an open platform. However, contrary to popular perception, WordPress is actually remarkably reliable software for developing new websites. The web of expert developers and coders that are associated with WordPress regularly keep on updating the software with new features and innovations. Moreover, the development of WordPress has been done using advanced and most popular technology on the web like PHP, SQL, and JavaScript, which makes it even a more reliable and trustworthy option.

WordPress is Scalable

One of the biggest concerns of an enterprise is that when the need be, it should be able to expand the size of its website. This is because enterprises have a lot of room for growth and expansion. Other software usually ends up disappointing the clients in this domain, but WordPress doesn’t. WordPress can handle any and every size of the website, ranging from personal blogs to websites of multinationals. It has almost 54000+ plug-ins available to add additional functionality to your website. You can keep on adding as many new pages, features, and characteristics on your page as you want, that too at any point in time. It is also capable of handling websites that receive substantial traffic. That is the reason why even Katy Perry and Justin Bieber trusted WordPress even though the traffic on their site is enormous.

WordPress is Secure

WordPress is Secure

There is nothing on the web that is 100 per cent secure. So is the case with WordPress. However, the core of WordPress is comparatively more secure than that of its counterparts. Now, you must be wondering, why is that so?

What makes WordPress more secure than the rest of the open-source platforms is that its community of developers has a constant eye on security breaches and bugs as soon as they spot any security vulnerability, they roll-out an update.

In order to benefit from this promptness of the WordPress community, all you need to do is to constantly update your website. This will keep your WordPress website safe and secure.

WordPress can be considered one of the most secure CMS around the world. It is because it has an incredibly dedicated team of experts who are always on their toes to ensure that all the data on WordPress is protected against all sorts of WordPress security threats. This team collaborates with hosting networks and security experts from other similar communities in order to deal with security threats. Therefore, it can be deduced that security is one of the top-most priorities of the WordPress team. Hence, once you have opted for WordPress, you should not worry about it at all!

WordPress is Easy to Administer

Even a non-technical administrator can edit and update content, pictures and videos on WordPress. Yes, that is how much easy-to-use it is. Not only this, a layperson can also add plug-ins. Even customizing the dashboard is not that difficult. With a bit of assistance from an expert, a non-technical person can easily do that too. Moreover, it is great at facilitating teamwork. Usually, in a large enterprise, more than one person is working on the website. WordPress provides the option of customising the role and permission granted to each individual using the website. The administrator has access to this feature and can use it to make the administration of the website easier.

WordPress is Easy to Administer

WordPress is an SEO-Friendly Software

Just developing a website is not enough for an enterprise to make its online presence. A step further is required to reap maximum benefits. Optimizing your site for search engines is absolutely essential. Your website needs to be well-organized and well-maintained if you want search engines like Google to give it a priority and display it in relevant search results. Or else, it will most likely receive very less traffic. Fortunately enough, WordPress themes and plug-ins are designed in a way that their codes play by the rules of the top-notch search engines very well. This characteristic makes WordPress SEO-friendly, and undoubtedly, the best option when it comes to designing and developing an SEO optimised website for a business enterprise.

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WordPress is already ruling the enterprise sector

WordPress not only brands itself as an open-source CMS but in fact, it also continues to adopt all the principles associated with such a platform. Currently, it is one of the most widely-used open-source CMSs. It powers millions of websites.

Initially, enterprises had their fair share of doubts regarding WordPress. However, now, they are convinced that it is the best platform out there for web development. What has helped WordPress gain confidence in the enterprises is its use by several big names which continue to vouch for its credibility.

A survey was conducted by BlackDuck Software back in 2016. According to that survey, nearly 78% of respondents confessed that they rely on an open-source platform. Hence, it is proved!

If anything, the open-source status of WordPress is an added advantage for enterprise companies.

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It has been quite a long since WordPress stopped being just a blogging platform

One thing that has deterred the enterprise companies from using WordPress is its image as a blogging platform. Since most the enterprise companies are largely isolated from the rest of the world, they are mostly uninformed about the developments happening in the technological world.

In the last ten years, WordPress has changed tremendously. It has adapted to the needs of the time. It would not be incorrect to state that WordPress has grown by leaps and bounds. However, the enterprise companies have mostly not been able to keep themselves updated with all such changes.

If you are one such business, you would be surprised to hear that in recent years WordPress has shifted its focus to small to medium-sized businesses. It does still cater to other types of businesses, but its focus is smaller to medium-sized companies.

WP Creative also serves customers throughout the world including Singapore and APAC. If you are looking for WordPress Developer in Singapore, please feel free to reach out.

WordPress does have the support of an enterprise-like company

WordPress does not market itself as a company. Rather it focuses on being a community. Still, one should know that WordPress comes under the umbrella of Automattic. It is a company that started off with scattered operations and now has a headcount of over 450 and is worth a billion-dollar.

There does not exist a consensus over the definition of an enterprise company. This term is used fairly loosely. However, since WordPress has a business of $50 million a year, is constantly acquiring other businesses, and is the talk of the town, it would be safe to assume that even if it is not completely an enterprise company right now, it is on the journey of becoming one soon.

Flexibility and customisation options

As the focus of WordPress is on small-to-medium size businesses, it offers a lot of flexibility and customization options. It does realize that a business might start off with an extremely simple website, but moving forward might need to add complexity to the initially drafted structure.

Hence, WordPress allows you to add new and advanced features to your website through numerous plugins. You can download any plugin according to your requirement and enhance the performance of your website.

Likewise, you can customise your website to fit in with the brand image of your business. Each and every feature of your website can be tailored according to your requirements.

If you wish to get such a WordPress website designed, leave a message below, and our representative shall get back to you. We excel at this task, and here is your chance to benefit from our excellence in this domain!

AI in WordPress


he image of WordPress as a blogging platform still persists. This rather faulty image makes businesses skeptical about the usefulness of this CMS for enterprise companies. What these businesses fail to realise is that WordPress did start off as a blogging platform, but now it is much more than that. It has utility for all sorts of businesses.

In fact, it is an ideal choice for some types of businesses. One such business is enterprise companies.

After reading through this, you must have come to realize that WordPress is an umbrella which inhabits all the major characteristics required to make the website of any enterprise business a total hit. It is affordable, reliable, scalable, secure, easy to administer, and most importantly, SEO-friendly. What else would an enterprise business want from a web-development software?

We can gauge that now you are totally tempted to give WordPress a try. Let us know your requirements, and we will get back to you with our process, plan and estimate for you.

As a well-established and well-recognised business in this field, we master the art of Custom Website Design and Development on WordPress for our local clients. Hence, we would surely not let you down.

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Updated on: 19 July 2019 |

Nirmal Gyanwali, Director of WP Creative

Nirmal Gyanwali

With over 16 years of experience in the web industry, Nirmal has built websites for a wide variety of businesses; from mom n’ pop shops to some of Australia’s leading brands. Nirmal brings his wealth of experience in managing teams to WP Creative along with his wife, Saba.